Business Analysis: we put values and excellence in our sector

‘escent: putting values and excellence in Business Analysis

Human Resources Quality Over Headcount Mentality

At Escent, we prioritize the quality of human resources over mere headcount. In the business analysis sector in Belgium and Luxembourg, we believe in balancing personal and professional competencies rather than relying on lengthy resumes. Therefore, we seek open-minded individuals who are ready to explore new horizons. Additionally, we value proactive learners, those who thrive on the pursuit of knowledge. By bringing on board professionals with the potential and willingness to grow, we ensure a team that is always prepared to meet new challenges.

Continuous Improvement in Business Analysis Over Static Certainties

Continuous improvement is at the core of our culture at Escent. Thus, we encourage our employees to consistently expand their knowledge and stay updated on best practices. In the business analysis sector in Belgium and Luxembourg, our monthly events provide valuable opportunities to share specific IT knowledge. Moreover, each year, our consultants undertake new training to advance in their chosen career paths. This commitment to improvement is reflected not only internally but also in the practical training we offer our clients.

Team spirit in business analysis

A real Business Analysis Team Spirit Over Isolated Silos

At Escent, we firmly believe in the importance of team spirit. Although our consultants primarily work at client sites, we place great importance on fostering social connections. Consequently, this approach opens effective communication channels between our clients and consultants. As Belgian and Luxembourg business analysts, we understand that sharing knowledge and experiences within the team is crucial to our collective success. Indeed, it’s what enables us to move forward together.

Enthusiasm Over Inertia

Enthusiasm is the driving force behind our daily work at Escent. In the business analysis sector in Belgium and Luxembourg, we believe that every task becomes easier with enthusiasm. Furthermore, this mindset is contagious and creates a dynamic work environment. Enjoying our work with colleagues and clients is our cornerstone. When paired with respect for others and the ability to compromise, this enthusiasm empowers us to overcome the greatest challenges.

People Respect Over Corporate Titles in the Business Analysis sector

Respect for individuals takes precedence over titles at Escent. We follow the golden rule: “Treat colleagues and clients as you would want to be treated.” We also value personal growth, talents, and beliefs. In the business analysis sector in Belgium and Luxembourg, we know that the value of ideas does not depend on the status of their source. Therefore, we advocate for leading by example, recognizing the contributions of each individual, regardless of their title.

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